Soft Systr LLC Software Forums
We do not yet provide a call center for technical support for our software. Instead, we offer this forum for frequently asked questions, specific technical questions and answers, to report bugs, problems and issues. This forum is also used for feature requests. Positive or critical reviews of our software are also welcome. However, spam messages, advertising, bad language, inappropriate remarks or other misuse of our services is not welcome.
How it Works
You don't need to register in order to read posts. However, a valid userid is required in order to post, or flag a post. The userid enables other services such as, deleting your own posts. You can delete your account at any time, which will automatically delete all of your individual posts.
Aside from posting to the general forum, you can comment on an individual post, elaborating, or further exploring the ideas presented in the post. If you know the answer to a technical question, please feel free to respond with the answer.
We monitor our forums regularly and attempt to respond to queries in a timely manner.